Tag Archives: democrats for america

Democrats for America-Marin 2006

Resolution of Support

For Peoples Lobby’s citizen-initiated

America’s World Service Corps

Congressional Proposals

  WHEREAS Democrats for America-Marin are dedicated to help fellow citizens to better themselves and to improving their public policy decision making, and

 WHEREAS recent natural calamities, growth in terrorist recruitment ant terrorists acts, spreading pockets of poverty and increasing income disparity remind us of our need to field a respected, effective, and substantial team of peaceful, productive volunteers, which Presidents from John Kennedy through George H. and George W. Bush have urged Americans to build, and

 WHEREAS a preponderance of scientists contend that Global Climate change is underway and our Bay Area will not be exempt from the problems associated with recent hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, tornados, floods, and inadequate disaster responses and

 Whereas within eight years of implementation the Peoples Lobby’s citizen-initiated American World Service Corps (AWSC) proposed congressional legislation, one million additional Americans would be nation building in pockets of need at home and abroad under the umbrella organization of America’s World Service Corps (AWSC), and

Whereas these one million additional Americans would be nation building in pockets of need at home and abroad through established, effective organizations such as the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, Habitat for Humanity, Head Start, Doctors Without Borders, Red Cross, International Rescue Committee, OxFam, Mercy Corps, and State Conservation Corps,  and

WHEREAS those who live in pockets of need, greed, and ignorance at home or abroad would value and respect the benefits having one million Americans helping them better themselves, and

Whereas Democrats for America-MARIN  supports the nation  building performed by those organizations that would comprise the umbrella organization of America’s World Service Corps (AWSC) and value the work such volunteers do, and

 Whereas Democrats for America-MARIN know, value and understand the need for more Americans to engage in such work in today’s global village of needs, and

 Whereas the voluntary citizen service that will result from implementing America’s World Service Corps exemplifies the progressive ideals that we espouse, and

 Whereas the financial and other incentives offered to those who volunteer are cost effective and strengthen our college, vocation, and graduate education programs and/or our medical and retirement needs, and

 Whereas by having successive waves of Americans practicing these ideals in the classroom of the world’s needs will dramatically raise America’s public policy IQ and thereby make life safer for the world’s and America’s citizens and soldiers.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Democracy For America-Marin on June 29, 2006  urges its elected representatives and citizens of California and the nation to support Peoples Lobby  citizen-initiated America’s World Service Corps (AWSC) proposed congressional legislation www.WorldServicecorps.us <http://www.worldservicecorps.us/> .www.PeoplesLobby.us <http://www.peopleslobby.us/>   We hereby encourage Congressional representatives to cosponsor and pass the proposals into law

 Carole Simon Mills, Co-chair Marin DFA

1008-C Los Gamos Rd.

San Rafael, CA 94903

(415) 246-5837