Let’s beef-up proven do-good organizations so a million Americans a year for a generation serve nation and world. A 1.15% – 2.5% investment by the Forbes 400 alone could make this cost nothing.

In other words, no tax revenues would be required to fund 21 million Americans doing peaceful national service over a generation (27 years).
If the USA alone had done peaceful, development oriented national service for a few generations we and the world would have been healthier, happier, and richer… We shouldn’t wait to make life safer and saner for future generations.
We need an umbrella organization that fields a million Americans doing peaceful, development oriented national service each year at home and abroad…
The State of the world, its climate, and its bleeding attitude cries out for America to lead the world in building robust, peaceful national service corps… and it cries out for more joint peaceful development actions and fewer joint military actions. View:
Forbes 400 Funds AWSCNS?
No taxpayer funds, just concerned super-rich donating and investing in a safer, saner world and strivers serving and earning.
Why Need AWSC Umbrella
above in PowerPoint view
Why Need AWSC Umbrella
above in .PDF format
And then view how reviving Congresswoman Boxer’s HR 1807 could propel the US and Russia into jointly and dramatically building peace and stability throughout our fragile world. View:
US-Russian Peace Corps
What is the AWSCNS… Why need… How it could be funded effortlessly… View:
Nuts & Bolts of AWSCNS
If these links take you to another title page, click on the hotlink, then look down on the left corner for Nuts-bolts-of-AWSC.ppt and click that to open it.
Interested in what service as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the only Urban Community Development group sent to Asia was like? View:
India, UCD 23
Peace Corps was such a wonderful experience that I wish, like JFK, that by now 20-40 million had such national service experiences, rather than slightly over 200,000 by 2015. How much saner would the world be had more served? How much better the environment?
Have you pestered your congressional reps and presidential candidates about implementing the AWSC National Service Congressional Proposal?