Fair Tax

PLI’s drafted its Fair Tax Brackets Congressional Proposal in March of 2009.

(Slowly merging three web sites into this People’s Lobby  portal.)

The share of wealth owned by the top 0.1% is almost the same as the bottom 90%.

The Guardian


1% owns 40% US wealth in 2015.


During 2008-2012 expansion bottom 90% lost average income as top 10% gained.


Bush tax cuts targeted top .1%  

Nice boon to middle classes marginal propensity to consume (MPC).


Top 400 households need much more help than you.

Who’s paying more  and less as America becomes dramatically more inequitable?

Emptied middle class.
Mega corporate tax loopholes put tax burdens on struggling middle class taxpayer.

What’s happened to America’s envied growing middle class that sprouted through the 50, 60, and 70’s?


Jesus “Hedger” Christ?   

Could Jesus make it on $1.9m per day?



Fewer auditors to check complex write-offs of mega-rich…and to answer your phone calls.


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