Developers need a dew strategy 3-25-07Is Gabriel allowed to be … pissed?
$2 billion in oil revenues spending in Marin for what?
Jennifer Comfy railed on Biker Dirk Maloney...
Really? Marin has a Northwest Pacific Rail right-of-way?
Regional needs? Not outta my backyard ya won’t!
Was that a bird’s eye view or just your view?
Joe’s drinking with yuppies again...
How many governments really reinvent themselves?
Just seems like common sense to me. How smart you gotta be?
Collected wisdoms on making Marin housing expensive...
Can St. Vincent’s opportunity overcome NIMBYitis?
Saluting teacher sadly waves goodbye... and bemoans housing.
“Elitist” preservation proposal, says struggling professional 24 year old
Golden girls may not like this portrayal of their ‘golden opportunity’
IJ hits sneaky baylands curve ball on the noose….
Everyone (especially real environmentalists) loves transit? Right?
Power lies with a)Government b)Developers c)NIMBYs d)Perception?
“So what are pedestrian pockets?”
Which comes first PPs or rail, chicken or egg?
“PPs reduce pollution & avoid wetlands so Marin environmentalists support them, right?”
Has Bay Area Council agenda changed much over the decades? What’s their view of PPs?
“In the late 80’s you could own at NEH’s Skylark with an income under $20,000?”
How were you able to make 19/37 ownership units affordable to those earning $20,000 a year?
Joe Sixpack and Mazlo Roth are both working on affordable housing?
Have issues addressing San Rafael’s General Plan update changed much since 1987?
Have East San Rafael’s needs changed much over the years?
“Downzoning can punish a community? You must be goofy and certainly not from Marin.”
“How can you ever call Hamilton’s Berg, Revoir and Howard developers good guys?”
“Hamilton could’ve reduced traffic congestion? You goofy again?”
“Nothing, nada, zilch could have been good about more affordable units and a train at Hamilton!” said Gilbert Upright.
Hamilton housing and traffic analysis letters from Marin County, North Bay TMA and Novato Ecumenical Housing.
Does how political leaders respond to local political pressure really affect our quality of life?
The 101 Corridor Committee sees the logic of intertwining trains and villages.
A copy of Minnesota’s Regional Tax Sharing plan could offer fiscal, land use and environmental benefits.
Hamilton’s Redevelopment Agency Funds could have financed 657 units of low income rental & ownership housing & train seeding.
Building a better Marin with trains and pedestrian pocket villages, two guys tried it at Hamilton, Building a better Marin
“NIMBYs cause FCFC and the the skyrocketing prices of Marin homes?”
Like babies in womb, kickers and screamers, status quo defenders cost us time, money and vision.
How long have you been seeking a Marin Housing Development TrustFund?
How could suing the City to deliver housing to the elderly make Posada del Sol a ghetto?