BEYOND BORDERS… story telling.
Can a Boxer tame a Growling Bear…
Elevator Chronicles. Tales from People’s Lobby & the Hunn…
Bill & Melinda Gates step into the elevator:
NorCal Peace Corps Story Jam videos:
“The Nurse” NorCal video “Love at FOURTH site” February 2016 or paste or paste
Fr. Nelson’s boys. NorCal video “Breaking bread.” Dec. 2015 or paste
Click here for essay with embedded video of the above “Breaking bread” YouTube.
For Don’t Tell Mom video only: “Too idealistic.”
August 18, 2015, NorCal Peace Corps Story Jam at Dark Theater.
Click here for essay with embedded video of the above Don’t Tell Mom “Too idealistic.”
Novato Peace Conference talk on People’s Lobby’s and its American World Service Corps Congressional Proposal.
10 minutes. Or paste
Peace Conference speech , Novato, California 2007 9 minutes
Influence of Peace Corps and People’s Lobby on AWSC
Present! – American World Service Corps : KMVT15 ……/Present_-_American_World_Servi…
Jan 14, 2016 – Dwayne Hunn talks about the American World Service Corps as a non military service option… World Service Corps, Mel Van Dusen, Ed Koupal
Religious flunkee sermonizing…
or click/paste:
Dwayne speaks to Unitarian Church in San Rafael.
Robert Airhart’s Airbaja Productions for People’s Lobby’s (PLI) and People’s Lobby Education Foundation (PLEF).
Pat Tillman, Tragic American Hero or paste 3-27-2014
Kevlar Body Armor “Interceptor” test full of holes! Or paste 4-8-2014
Cell Phone Towers- Death From Above! or paste 5-12-2014
Israel & Palestine, MID EAST = NO PEACE. Or paste 7-19-2014
“A War Within A War” builds the Peace Corps or paste 7-19-2014
World Service Corps, 21st Century Marshall Plan.
or paste
American World Service Corps (AWSC): Winning the peace through ideas, nation building, and common sense.
Or paste 12-15-2014
1984 and it’s snowing Snowden or paste
***** Mel Van Dusen’s Productions:
Mel Presents: American World Service Corps, KMTV Produced by Mel VanDusen, December 2008
How the AWSC would works… What inspired the AWSC legislation…How fund it? How change America’s image…
You Tube People’s Lobby, Castle, and Dwayne
You Tube AWSC 21st Century Army
Gold Start Mom Nadia McCaffrey and I speak at Kernville Freedom Festival 2008. American World Service Corps summary starts around 4:30 minute mark…
Kernville Freedom Festival. Opening 2008
Kernville Freedom Festival. Oct. 25, 2008. Part 4:
Gold Star Mom Nadia McCaffrey speaks of the need to create Veterans Villages to help our returning vets. People’s Lobby’s Dwayne Hunn speaks of the need for citizens to lobby Congress to introduce and pass the American World Service Corps Congressional Proposals, which would field 21 million American volunteers over the next 27 years.
Four-star Marine General Anthony Zinni comments on Peoples Lobby’s citizen-initiated American World Service Corps Congressional proposals coming from California’s 6th Congressional District. Freedoms Forum interview of November 2006.
Former Pennsylvania Senator Harris Wofford, who helped establish the Peace Corps and Americorps, comments on the need to build a robust national service corps, as proposed in People’s Lobby’s citizen-initiated American World Service Corps Congressional Proposal.
Senator Byron Dorgan, Chair of Democratic Policy Committee, without knowing “details” of Peoples Lobby’s citizen-initiated American World Service Corps Congressional Proposals comments on “positive” benefits of nationals service and of “giving back.”.
Comcast productions
Comcast’s Jerry Hanson asks about American World Service Corps 5 minutes
Comcast Cable Local Edition’s. Jerry Hanson interviews Dwayne Hunn on substance of World Service Corps. If you use Dial Up (56kbps) click this link. Five minutes. August 2005 taping.
Comcast Cable Local Edition’s. Jerry Hanson interviews Dwayne Hunn on substance of World Service Corps. If you use Cable or DSL click this link. Five minutes. August 2005 taping.
or paste
Comcast Cable Local Edition’s. Jerry Hanson interviews Dwayne Hunn on substance of World Service Corps. If you use Dial Up (56kbps) click this link. Five minutes. SEPTEMBER 2005 taping.
Comcast Cable Local Edition’s. Jerry Hanson interviews Dwayne Hunn on substance of World Service Corps. If you use Cable or DSL click this link. Five minutes. SEPTEMBER 2005 taping.
Or watch at Goggle or MySpace: Comcast Local Edition “World Service Corps wants you to help millions.“
To link to several AWSC videos go to and type “American World Service Corps” in the search box.
Mel Van Dusen Productions:
Mel Van Dusen presents Dwayne Hunn, Ph.D. on Fixing What’s Broken with US Policy
KMVT15 World Service Corps show 30 minutes with Mel Van Dusen in April
of 2006 in Mountain View, California. Part I. Fifteen minutes. Or view the same show at Goggle:
Dismayed by government? Think citizens can sometimes do as well? Could implementing Peoples Lobby’s American World Service Corps Congressional Proposals dramatically improve the world? Can our policies become much smarter by having a million American World Service Corps volunteers serve annually for the next generation? Mel VanDusen , ofMountain View ’s KMTTV, interviews Peoples Lobby Executive Director, Dwayne Hunn, in April of 2006. Part 1 of 2. Learn more at and
Part II (2nd half) of KMTV15 World Service Corps show with Mel Van Duessen in April of 2006 in Mountain View, California. Fifteen minutes.
Public Advocate Productions:
People’s Lobby &the World Service Corps 60 minutes on The Public Advocate, Marin County, California March 15, 2006 — 60 minutes with host Shirley Graves. Part I. About 20 minutes.
Part II People’s Lobby &the World Service Corps on The Public Advocate, Marin County, California March 15, 2006 with host Shirley Graves. Part II. About 20 minutes.
Part III People’s Lobby &the World Service Corps on The Public Advocate, Marin County, California March 15, 2006 with host Shirley Graves. Part III. About 20 minutes.
You Tube KMTV segment..Smart Military men know AWSC will win hearts and minds…
Mel Presents, April 2006.
You Tube KMTV opening segment. Peace Corps service and People’s Lobby’s initiative work inspired creation of American World Service Corps Congressional Proposals.
Mel Presents April 2006..
Mel Presents: American World Service Corps, KMTV Produced by Mel VanDusen, December 2008
How the AWSC would works… What inspired the AWSC legislation…How fund it? How change America’s image…
Click YouTube icon under the”Click to” bar on your left for some videos and here are some others…