St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, Ohio.
St. Joseph’s College, Indiana, BA, Political Science/Economics. Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.
Peace Corps Training, Vermont, South Bronx, & Columbia University – Pakistan Rural Construction & Mumbai, India Urban Community Development.
San Francisco State. MA (ABD) Broadcast Journalism.
Claremont Graduate University. (Lincoln Fellowship), Public Policy, Finance, and Administration MA, Ph.D. Government 1984. Who’s Who in California, 1986.
Peace Corps

Urban Community Development volunteer in Worli Chawls slum of Mumbai, India (Bombay). Work included involving richest class of students from prestigious John Connon School in community service, teaching and building programs with orphans, homeless, paraplegics, birth control clinics, as well as introducing first urban garden, infant milk feeding, library, outdoor movies, basketball court, latrine cleaning. Ambassador Cheater Bowls visited my model programs.
Six + years of teaching at high school, college, and Owner Builder Centers. Reported by high school students to have twice been voted Teacher of Year, but administration cancelled awards. In tenure year, a John Bircher influenced board and administration tried to fire me. Reinstated and reputed to have been only the third teacher in California history to win a non-tenured dismissal case. College teaching at Citrus College, Dominican University, and University of San Francisco.
People’s Lobby, Executive Director
Chief Lieutenant to People’s Lobby Inc. (PLI) founders Ed and Joyce Koupal, a political crusading organization that created laws through the initiative process. PLI birthed and funded most of the 20th and early 21st century National Initiative Movement including the 2002 Maine Event kickoff campaign. Involved with: People’s Lobby’s 1972 Clean Environment Initiative. Eighteen state Western Bloc Nuclear Moratorium campaigns. Northern California Director of People’s Lobby’s winning 1974 Political Reform Initiative, establishing the California’s Fair Political Practices Commission. Initiated American-Soviet Peace Corps (ASPC) Congressional Proposal. Worked closely with Sergei Aviazan of the Soviet Consulate. Then Congresswoman Boxer introduced the ASPC proposal as HR 1807 in the 1989 Congressional session.
Helped develop the National Initiative for Democracy (NI4D) movement, which stemmed from PLI’s 1977 Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings on establishing a National Initiative Process. Field Director of NI4D 2002 Maine Event kickoff campaign. Pressing former Senator Mike Gravel and his organizations to pay back substantial loans PLI made to NI4D organizations.
Wrote, sponsored, and continue educating and lobbying for passage of People’s Lobby’s American World Service Corps (AWSC) Congressional Proposals, which had and lost introducers in the 110th & 111th Congresses; and Fair Tax Bracket Reinstitution Act (FTBRA). More info If passed as written, the AWSC will be among the most significant legislation passed in decades. For video overviews, click to Comcast Cable Local Edition’s or Mel Presents .
Board member Patrick McCaffrey Foundation – working closely with Nadia McCaffrey’s Veterans Village.
Politics… campaigning
Took over and reformed the regional Democratic Party apparatus, and then directed Senator McGovern’s 1972 San Gabriel Valley Presidential Campaign. Orchestrated outdoor rally for 15,000 for McGovern’s speech, reportedly largest park gathering in West Covina’s history.
Directed Friends of Solar Village Referendum Campaign for Novato’s Hamilton Air Force Base. Worked with State Architect Sim Vander Ryn and Pedestrian Pocket originator Peter Calthorpe. Consulting work on land development, housing, transit solutions revolves around public education, smart policies, and politics.
Rubelian Castle Building,

One of blessed core of Pharm hands who built a 7+ story “impossible” castle out of collapsed freeway lumber, rocks, mine shafts, old barns, bottles, used telephone poles, junk, etc.. in a ritzy suburban community. Glendora Historic landmark. Rubelian stories & pictures
Recycled Building Company

Peace Corps buddy and I formed Recycled Building Company in California’s North Bay that allowed me to hold on to some fixer-uppers as rentals.
California Conservation Corps (CCC)
Youngest management member of Governor Jerry Brown’s CCC start-up team. Environmental and skills training, project development and oversight, counseling, headquarters and in-center management, statewide project analysis. After turning around the CCC’s model Escondido Center, which was in riot mode, a poorly chosen management team tried to fire me prior to expiration of my probationary employee period. I won the case, reinstatement, back pay, and helped replace the Peter Principled management team, while being told I was only the third California state employee to win a probationary dismissal case.
Affordable Housing production

Helped Novato Ecumenical Housing (now North Bay Family Homes) grow from 1/2 paid staff to 14-paid employee corporation. Assistant Executive Director, Research & Development Director, Project Manager for Skylark Meadows, the 1986 $4.1 million affordable housing project set California low/market rate income ownership record; key role in establishing our innovative equity share program, which FANNIE MAE adopted as its national model; produced business plan and assisted in establishing Solano County’s Affordable Housing Program; public outreach included over 100 published articles, radio and television appearances to gain community and political support for various projects. Some details at website
Completed several Habitat Builds, including Sri Lanka (2000), Fiji(2002), Georgia(2003), Ethiopia (2011). Haiti (2012), Costa Rica (2014) Oakland and Santa Rosa Habitat day builds and two New Orleans Habitat Day and Reuse Builds (2010).
Transportation, energy conservation, regional planning, etc.
Executive Director of North Bay Transportation Management Association. Established programs regarding land use, jobs/housing balance, traffic, transportation, and environmental issues. Erased $40,000 hard debt. Produced North Bay region’s largest conference dealing with above issues. Over 400 400 attendees spent the day engaged with 20 regional leaders on sensible planning options.
Suntrain Inc. One of six founding corporate members. Suntrain Inc. was and is a California rail based transportation system merging state of the art technology to provide long distance business, commuter, and recreational travel. Train interiors allow quick conversion to limited freight rail services. Van pick-up and rental cars provided as part of all-inclusive ticketed trip from home-station-destination-home. Public private joint venture intended to spur environmentally sound pedestrian pocket development along rail lines.

Land development, consulting, public education
Worked closely as crewmember with mentor and friend, Glen Speer, in establishing his then Lollop Construction Company in St. John, Virgin Islands. Today his St. John’s Mongoose Junction is one of St. John’s favorite tourist destinations.
Posada del Sol, proposed 271 unit solar retirement community for San Rafael.
Hands-on partner in attempted development of Posada del Sol. a model solar energy life estate retirement community, on 33-acre San Rafael rock quarry scar adjacent to opposed mayor’s home.

Primary consultant to partnership and individuals owning the 86-acre Canalways and other nearby East San Rafael parcels. Involved in helping shepherd development of Storage USA, Bulk Retail, Marriott Hotel, energy farms, etc., and dealing with city and county General Plan updates, etc.

Rehabilitating stroke stricken, vegetative mom.
The nurses said, “Find her a home. She’ll be a vegetable the rest of her life.” Working my mom back to a semblance of independence were the hardest, most draining, most lovingly sad seven years of my life… … Battling Parkinson’s since c. 2018
News, journalism, books
Public Affairs Director for Television Center at San Francisco State. Produced & hosted 36+ TV & Radio Shows. News writer for Deer Communication/24 Hour All News Cable TV attempt. Some writings at Books: Co-authored ORDINARY PEOPLE DOING THE EXTRAORDINARY, The story of Ed and Joyce Koupal and the initiative process. Ralph Nader listed this book among his Top Ten Books to Read for 2009. Second book, Every Town Needs a Castle, especially when built of junk and spunk, is filled with feats of can-do, adages, and humor. Hopefully, it is a prelude to Every Country Needs a World Service Corps.
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