AWSCNS Proposal Summary

This is how a summary for the proposed American World Service Corps National Service (AWSCNS) Congressional Proposal  could potentially look.


 “Imagine how much stronger we’d all be if we had this well-stocked AWSC tool in our diplomatic and public policy pouch…Put that in your spinach pipe…”


The  fuller text, written for the layman to grasp , is at the link above  and below.  American World Service Corps National Service (AWSCNS) Congressional Proposal   – provides the opportunity for every U.S. citizen, and every other person residing in the United States, between the ages of 18 and 74 to perform a 1-2-year period of peaceful, non-militarized, voluntary national service.

National service opportunities are provided through civilian service in a federal, state, or local government programs or with community-based agencies, 501-c-3s, or entities as outlined in the proposal who are engaged in meeting human, educational, environmental, public safety needs. and job and development goals at home and abroad.

Uses transferable educational, housing, health, tax credit, etc., incentives to build, over a seven-year period, the AWSCNS to one million volunteers per year.

Includes as part or all of its funding a nontraditional funding mechanism (NTFM) via a  social media, web-driven, publicly viewable  spreadsheet donation system to voluntarily inspire the Forbes 400, and other mega-rich groups and individuals, to voluntarily underwrite an investment in 21,000,000 Americans doing peaceful national service over a generation.

Proposes that this robust, peaceful national service program be used to inspire complementary national service programs by other nations; so that the world shifts the emphasis from relying on military solutions to vexing problems to peaceful development oriented solutions that national service armies can provide.  Requires each person, before induction, to be examined physically and mentally for classification for fitness to perform.

The Do-Gooders  platoons…