Category Archives: How Help

Redwoods folks, friends, & public

Redwoods folks, friends, and public come Oct 30, 2017 to Redwoods Retirement Community Auditorium in Mill Valley at 3:00 p.m.

Come hear stories and view slides from People’s Lobby, Peace Corps, Habitat for Humanity building projects, California Conservation Corps, elder care, service programs, etc…

Understand  via stories why People’s Lobby urges you to push Congress to introduce and enact their citizen initiated American World Service Corps National Service (AWSCNS) Congressional Proposal.

When the nation lacks a robustly sized Peace Force, it is difficult to build peace, rebuild after disasters, promote good will, win over radicals, smarten  nations, repair of the environment, etc.

The AWSCNS  builds that army & pressures the uber-rich to be  primary investors in fielding 21 million AWSC National Service volunteers over 27 years.

Final Responsibility- final authority never delegated People's Lobby motto


Take the initiative.




Angry Muslim youth won over?


LaGrange,Georgia mud build with  Carter


No poverty housing.





More rehabers.





Involved serving.             


Cheshire Home student work crew.






Privileged rich sweat.





Uber-rich donate?

1.1% of Forbes 2014 wealth donated annually totally funds 27 years of 21 million AWSCs doing good.

Thank you. National service blossoming?

Thank you —  AWSC National Service slowly blossoming?

You are receiving this “Thank you” because, in some way, you helped People’s Lobby move its American World Service Corps National Service (AWSCNS) Congressional Proposal.  Special thanks to you if you contacted your congressional reps or set up public discussions regarding the AWSCNS.

The AWSCNS is still not introduced, but parts of it are being picked up.

My Congressional Rep, Jared Huffman, has introduced the Inspire Act. It proposes beefing up the Edward Kennedy National Service Act (aka the Serve America Act).  Introduced in 2009, the Serve America Act has never met its numerical goals, for a variety of budgetary and other reasons.  Both the Inspire Act and Serve America Act are nowhere near as robust as People’s Lobby’s American World Service Corps National Service Proposal.

All three deserve support. The AWSCNS would do the most good and has the most innovative funding proposals to cover its laudable goals, strengthen America’s character, and benefit the world.

The Marin Independent Journal’s Richard Halstead included some of my thoughts in his piece, which you can click to at this link.

Give Richard a read and pat on the back for covering peaceful national service.

A Marin IJ Voice: Creating a force for peace and understanding is here.