HO, HO, HO… my dear friend!

Merry Christmas and may many more good elves ring in a triumphant New Year 2017 for you and yours.
My sister continues building the Northern California record for audio books checked out from the library. When not listening to those, talk shows, or University of San Francisco lectures, she pushes to improve the training of the company that supplies her 2+/-– day a week assistants. Marlene also trains her disability assistants on the importance of attending their union meetings, which recently helped improved their wages to $13/hours on the way to $15 over the ensuing year or so.
Solar sales angel Spencer Smith and his Apple-baited wife Nancy continue taking Marlene to fund raising dinner functions of the do-good agencies they support.

Many years ago, my Kaiser Primary Care Doctor said something like, “Tell me if I’m correct, you are planning on running as hard as you can for as long as you can till everything wears out, right?”
I laughed, and didn’t put much thought into the last part of his sentence. I am paying more attention to sentence endings now, and may even now be serving some kind of sentence, which my mom warned me about as she kept imploring “Rest more… Take it easy… Take a nap…”
(If you are lucky enough to have a wonderful mother, pay attention .to even her offhanded remarks. Somehow, even those are prescient.)
Instead of having my worn shoulder and torn rotator cuff repaired with stitches, I decided abouta year back to go out on my right limb by using my buttock’s bone marrow and stem cells to try to repair my former sling-shooting right shoulder. But… Due to a variety of reasons, which may include my jocular induced Ignatian (“Get up and run it off, Hunn, you rainbow chaser…”) approach to health and healing, my shoulder is still defined in largely Latin and Greek derivatives in November of 2016 by some in the medical world as:
“There is superimposed interstitial signal within the conjoined fibers of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendon measuring 1.1 cm transverse by 1.0 cm AP suggesting greater than 50% partial thickness tear. Previously seen signal involving the distal anterior fibers of the supraspinatus tendon appears less discrete. Thickening of the subscapularis tendon compatible with tendinosis. There is interstitial tear with mild medial subluxation of the proximal fibers of the long head of biceps tendon. Teres minor tendon…”
Even Saint Ignatius High’s boot camp Latin training conducted by my favorite SI Drill Sergeant, Mr. Leonard, failed to make my aging amyloid-free, I hope, brain easily “comprendo” what is going on in the above stew of words… But, it ain’t that good, and that’s without mentioning this clean hippie’s hip.
Where’s that Elysium cure-it-all machine when you need it?
Feel free to translate into grade school English, with which I still have trouble, so I’ll know how to start slinging stuff again.
Statistically, it is likely that a little less than half of you who voted, voted for Donald Trump and that mesmerizing beauty that stalks him on the elevator. Since President-elect Trump likes to tweet, here’s a lovely tweety-bird like Christmas gift that won’t cost you anything and will save bloodshed, expensive military dollars, and heartbreak year-round.
During Christmas and through the New Year, why not tweet 140 characters to some of President-elect’s twitter sites or those related, such as:
#Trump, #realDonaldTrump, #Russians, #trumptrain, #uniteforAmerica, #trumpwatch
Ask him and those twitter followers to use their connections with Putin to build a program that People’s Lobby influenced Congresswoman Boxer to introduce as HR 1807 in 1989.
Here are some possible 140 characterish tweets to copy, paste, adjust, and tweet to the above and other addresses of your choosing:
Nixon opens China. Trump melts Russia via http://peopleslobby.us/awsc & benefits nation & world via http://peopleslobby.us/awsc
Serve in space why not on earth? http://peopleslobby.us/awsc/aspc Bring back http://peopleslobby.us/hr-1807-1989-american-soviet-peace-corps/
Open the U.S. To National Service http://peopleslobby.us/awsc/ & Russia to Peace Corpsing with us http://peopleslobby.us/awsc/aspc
Why not shift military competition to the field of peaceful development http://peopleslobby.us/awsc/why/ & #climate care?
Tweet Trump. Santa’s serious, tweet him. Urge Trump to open Russia to peacedful service. Tweet your congresspersons. Tweet the media. This Special Season, start helping the elves and St. Nick by helping build a band of do-gooders worldwide and turning out more reformed Scrooges and inspired Popeyes. Thanks to George Ripley’s ‘Believe It or Not’ hospitality (captured my AirBaha), I spent a September week in DC with 22 Congressional staffs pushing People’s Lobby’s robust American World Service Corps National Service Congressional Proposal and urging them to reintroduce its US-Russian Peace Corps Proposal .

With the world awash with homeless children, wars, refugees, collapsing glaciers, etc., isn’t it the right season to move the world’s two superpowers toward peaceful service and greatness?

Signing this reopened AWSCNS petition would also make Santa smile… https://www.change.org/p/field-21-million-american-world-service-jobs-corps-volunteers-over-the-next-27-years?te=npf
To help in other ways, click here: http://peopleslobby.us/how-help/fund-intern-chair/
Merry Christmas and may a Happy & Healthy New Year be with you.
Dwayne Hunn
Santa smiles at the triumphal thought of seeing a US-Russian Peace Corps reintroduced and gifted to the world.