When my Sister and I were helping mom recover from her devastating stroke in the nineties, my mom’s favorite TV show was “Golden Girls.” it was mom who introduced me to the cryptic phrase, “I don’t know why they call it ‘The Golden Years.’”
My sister has endured more health, vision, and support challenges, which usually wait to pile on until the Golden Years, than anyone I know. Like her mom, she has faced her vision, diabetic, amputation, and blindness problems with true grit.
I hope I can measure up to mom and Marlene in battling this mysterious disease they call Parkinson’s (PD).
In 2007 my left hip was replaced. In 2017 it broke and the recission and another artificial left hip was inserted. It came with chromium, cobalt, and cadmium poisoning. In that same 2017 year my right shoulder was replaced. I sat around the house quite a bit. In 2018 I had a professional, Liz Menkes, from Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) Healthy (https://www.emfhealthy.com/ ) do a microwave reading on my house. Professionals like Menkes say EMF readings should be less than <5. With my DECT phone plugged in the reading on my deck was 52,000 microwaves per meter. She said, “Get out immediately.”
My microwave use, microwaving from the cell towers 100 yards from my home and microwaving cars that pass by during commute hours may or may not have contributed to Parkinson’s. My gut, however, says that our over reliance on excessive microwaving will hang with the gang that said DDT, nicotine, lead in gasoline… was safe and clean.
I was having trouble sleeping and being my energetic self, when longtime friend John Walsh offered to take me to Denver around November 2019 with the hope that the University of Colorado Health (UCHealth) would provide some answers. Since the 1950s Carbidopa and Levodopa pills that address PD symptoms has been our medical industries primary drug answer for degenerative PD.
Parkinson’s disease is the 14th leading cause of death in the U.S. Those with PD include Michael Fox, Mohammed Ali, Alan Alda, Robin Williams, Billy Graham, Charles M. Schulz, Janet Reno…
I do not think 50+ year-old pills revolving around Carbidopa and Levodopa will knock out PD symptoms or PD itself. Nations like Israel, Russia, and Canada are far ahead in next generation answers such as neuroplasticity, low level light therapy, electro neuronal stimulation, etc.
Some of the area’s that I believe may address future fixes are discussed in these sites that I am exploring https://lightlounge.life/ and https://www.bioflexlaser.com/ and discussed in the excellent book by Norman Doidge titled The Brain’s Way of Healing.
May you and yours be hale and hearty in 2021 and push medical providers to find better answers for those who are not hale and hearty.
May more of the country learn to ask why, do logical research, and read more truth based writing.
May your vote politically empower those with whom you would trust your kids or grandkids sharing a snowed in cabin for a month…
Merry Christmas and may many more good elves ring in a triumphant New Year 2017 for you and yours.
My sister continues building the Northern California record for audio books checked out from the library. When not listening to those, talk shows, or University of San Francisco lectures, she pushes to improve the training of the company that supplies her 2+/-– day a week assistants. Marlene also trains her disability assistants on the importance of attending their union meetings, which recently helped improved their wages to $13/hours on the way to $15 over the ensuing year or so.
Solar sales angel Spencer Smith and his Apple-baited wife Nancy continue taking Marlene to fund raising dinner functions of the do-good agencies they support.
Resting enuff, Santa?
Many years ago, my Kaiser Primary Care Doctor said something like, “Tell me if I’m correct, you are planning on running as hard as you can for as long as you can till everything wears out, right?”
I laughed, and didn’t put much thought into the last part of his sentence. I am paying more attention to sentence endings now, and may even now be serving some kind of sentence, which my mom warned me about as she kept imploring “Rest more… Take it easy… Take a nap…”
(If you are lucky enough to have a wonderful mother, pay attention .to even her offhanded remarks. Somehow, even those are prescient.)
Instead of having my worn shoulder and torn rotator cuff repaired with stitches, I decided abouta year back to go out on my right limb by using my buttock’s bone marrow and stem cells to try to repair my former sling-shooting right shoulder. But… Due to a variety of reasons, which may include my jocular induced Ignatian (“Get up and run it off, Hunn, you rainbow chaser…”) approach to health and healing, my shoulder is still defined in largely Latin and Greek derivatives in November of 2016 by some in the medical world as:
“There is superimposed interstitial signal within the conjoined fibers of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendon measuring 1.1 cm transverse by 1.0 cm AP suggesting greater than 50% partial thickness tear. Previously seen signal involving the distal anterior fibers of the supraspinatus tendon appears less discrete. Thickening of the subscapularis tendon compatible with tendinosis. There is interstitial tear with mild medial subluxation of the proximal fibers of the long head of biceps tendon. Teres minor tendon…”
Even Saint Ignatius High’s boot camp Latin training conducted by my favorite SI Drill Sergeant, Mr. Leonard, failed to make my aging amyloid-free, I hope, brain easily “comprendo” what is going on in the above stew of words… But, it ain’t that good, and that’s without mentioning this clean hippie’s hip.
Feel free to translate into grade school English, with which I still have trouble, so I’ll know how to start slinging stuff again.
Statistically, it is likely that a little less than half of you who voted, voted for Donald Trump and that mesmerizing beauty that stalks him on the elevator. Since President-elect Trump likes to tweet, here’s a lovely tweety-bird like Christmas gift that won’t cost you anything and will save bloodshed, expensive military dollars, and heartbreak year-round.
During Christmas and through the New Year, why not tweet 140 characters to some of President-elect’s twitter sites or those related, such as:
Ask him and those twitter followers to use their connections with Putin to build a program that People’s Lobby influenced Congresswoman Boxer to introduce as HR 1807 in 1989.
Here are some possible 140 characterish tweets to copy, paste, adjust, and tweet to the above and other addresses of your choosing:
With the world awash with homeless children, wars, refugees, collapsing glaciers, etc., isn’t it the right season to move the world’s two superpowers toward peaceful service and greatness?
May you and yours have good health well beyond this Holiday Season.
Although she still mails Christmas cards, my sister now has a computer thanks to Lighthouse for the Blind. She also has volunteer Spencer, the solar guy, who brings some levity and sunshine into her life as he reads her internet stuff, emails, and wonders about her weird friends…
She recently beat back a cancer scare, as she continues being the trooper pushing her walker and tipping the army of taxicab drivers (sorry Uber) that shuttle her to University of San Francisco lectures, medical checkups, and meetings with her friends in town.
For me, there may not be a Habitat build on this year’s list thanks to bone on bone right shoulder and a rotator cuff tear, which I always thought belonged to those Moby-ized pitchers who flung hard from the starboard..
Most of you who are reading this have been exposed to Christian traditions, especially during this Holiday Season. You know that Jesus was raised by an adopted father, Joseph, a ”Teckton,” or builder. Joseph was a stonemason, carpenter, or likely combination of the two. He built stuff, likely housing, perhaps so future families would not have to be born in mangers.
Christ in the House of His Parents (‘The Carpenter’s Shop’) 1849-50 Sir John Everett Millais, Bt 1829-1896 Purchased with assistance from the Art Fund and various subscribers 1921 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/N03584
Christ in the House of His Parents (‘The Carpenter’s Shop’) 1849-50 Sir John Everett Millais, Bt 1829-1896 Purchased with assistance from the Art Fund and various subscribers 1921 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/N03584
When Jesus Christ was born about 2,000 years ago, about 300 million roamed the earth. According to the Bible, the Lord ARMED a sandal wearing gang of 12 with not only the words of brotherhood but supposedly the power to perform miracles. They were sent out to spread peace and build things that would make life more comfortable for innocent babies and children, in the hopes that they would grow up with innocence and goodwill.
Jesus did not build an army of soldiers and drones. He didn’t encourage the Roman Empire to expand its war making abilities. He pushed people to do unto others as they would have done unto themselves.
Today there are about seven billion people, who, in many ways are ravaging the earth. Shouldn’t America, the Roman Empire of its time, field an army of one million sandaled Americans to spread peace and build healthy things for the innocents?
It cost us over $1 million per active military volunteer per year to be engaged in battles, without calculating PTSD related costs.
Instead of building a new, big bureaucracy, the AWSC Congressionnal Proposal would send A LOT more paid volunteers to Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, Habitat, Doctors Without Borders, Head Start, Red Cross, International Rescue Committee, Oxfam, Mercy Corps, State Conservation Corps, effective local non-profits, in-need schools, hospital therapy centers, homes for the aged, etc. Fielding a million Americans a year under this AWSC umbrella would cost about $40,000 per year.
It’s a gift to the world that keeps giving all year long. It cultivates compassion, raises our public policy IQ, responds to devastations, helps refugees, wins hearts and minds, and thereby stunts terrorist recruitment.
Imagine how much different today’s world would be had we been doing such a robust NATIONAL SERVICE CORPS for 30, 40, 50 years…
One of the few times Jesus expressed anger was at the money changers in the Temple.
Under the AWSC Proposal The Forbes 400 could fund the fielding of 21,000,000 doing good, paid American volunteers for 27 years by donating 1.1% of their wealth to the cause of protecting innocents. What would Jesus say?
Want to help make the AWSC Proposal become law, spreading gifts and little miracles all year long?
Pester Congress. Spread the word via media. Use any of People’s Lobby’s Opeds that express something akin to your feelings and put them out in social media, forward them to Congress and candidates. Ask candidates where they stand.
Prayers accepted, but we are pretty sure God, as busy as he is, is pushing us humans to do more than kneeling to deliver some good amidst the myriad of problems clanging around down here.
Neither Santa nor Jesus delivers what the world needs without a lot more of us being involved.
Pope Francis
“We are close to Christmas,” he said. “There will be lights, there will be parties, bright trees, even Nativity scenes – all decked out – while the world continues to wage war.”
“What shall remain in the wake of this war, in the midst of which we are living now?” the pontiff asked. “Ruins, thousands of children without education, so many innocent victims, and lots of money in the pockets of arms dealers.”
Christmas festivities are “all a charade. The world has not understood the way of peace. The whole world is at war.”
“War can be justified, so to speak, with many, many reasons, but when all the world as it is today, at war, piecemeal though that war may be — a little here, a little there — there is no justification.”
“God weeps,” the pope concluded, “Jesus weeps,” for those whose sole purpose on this planet is to wage war, but who cynically deny that that’s their intent.
May you and yours have peace and good health.
Gifts received:
Fr. Nelson’s boys. NorCal video “Breaking bread.” Dec. 2015
Merry Christmas 06, Happy New Year and Hanukah and the Season’s best to you all! Especially.. if you’ve been nice…
For those of you who don’t benefit from my sister’s long and short distance phone call regimen, she continues to amaze those who have overcome similar challenges. Thanks to a young man’s donated kidney and pancreas, Marlene’s kidney pancreas transplant moves into its eight year. She no longer fights her diabetes with insulin. Each day she awakens to handle her past diabetes effects by strapping on her leg and going to her kitchen table, cluttered with mail, papers, to-dos, radio, etc. There she finds her magnifier and, with her sometimes reader, reads more than most Americans do. In addition to completing service on the San Francisco Civil Grand Jury, attending police and homeowners meetings, she also gives me advice on whom to contact for implementing the American World Service Corps (AWSC) Congressional Proposals www.WorldServiceCorps.us . And, of course, she uses that working eye to remain ranked amongNorthern California’s top ten movie reviewers.
A couple times this year work on the American World Service Corps (AWSC) Congressional Proposals took me south to my favorite earthly bunker, my old giddy Pharm home, Rubel’s Castle. For those who haven’t rollicked amidst the rocks, bottles, telephone poles, and oak stumped stools or visited, take a gander athttp://www.castlocations.com/app/showprop.php?property=4031or
Most importantly, the King and Queen of Rubelia, Michael and Kaia, are still lending what some suburbanites consider “certifiably institutionalizeable” knowledge to help Pharmhands keep the gates, dungeons, canons, scarecrows, witches, tunnels, crops, cemeteries, avocados, kumquats, creosote, and moats afloat.
This year has been dominated by working to revive Peoples Lobby Inc. (PLI), whose assets were riddled by some poor board decisions and a former United States Senator continuing to fail to pay back hundreds of thousands in poorly used loans. Peoples Lobby Inc (501c4 non-profit) www.PeoplesLobby.uswas founded by two giants, Edwin and Joyce Koupal, who would have dramatically improved America’s smart civic participation had Ed live longer than his mere 48 years. This year we added a sister organization, People Lobby’s Education Foundation (PLEF), a federally approved 501c3 non-profit to help with research, education, and outreach. For those who want to make the nation and world smarter faster, a tax-deductible donation to People Lobby’s Education Foundation (PLEF) will be well used.
Our top project this year is to build enough Congressional sponsors and involved citizens to pass and implement the American World Service Corps (AWSC) Congressional Proposals. www.WorldServiceCorps.us. After that, our next project is to help Nadia McCaffrey establish, with another citizen-initiated legislative proposal if needed, veteran village retreats http://www.veteransvillage.org/index.html to more successfully deal with our vets’ posttraumatic stress disorders. Trained by PLI’s Ed and Joyce Koupal to ignore the odds and never aim small, Peoples Lobby’s American World Service Corps will dramatically improve the world, like few pieces of legislation ever have. We could use your help in spreading the word and rebuilding PLI and PLEF. At least, sign the petition at the web site.http://www.worldservicecorps.us/petition/default.asp
In this season of peace, which exists with difficulty for those who have connections to military service or the Middle East and its repercussions, it is helpful to remember a few of Kennedy’s Inaugural words from four decades ago that describes today’s problems:
“…where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace…”
At Christmas, television, radio, writings, music, and even couch potatoes sing of peace. Since the still strongest military power in the world still runs on laws, Peoples Lobby has written a law ready to deliver a gift that will build peacethroughout the world, as Jesus the Carpenter, Mohamed the Prophet, or any other truly magnificent religious leader would love to see delivered by sleigh, donkey, or some similar peaceful delivery system…
The AWSC will send the right stuff for the 21st century — American missions, not missiles. It sends the right stuff, right service, and right size.
In the New Year, may all your emotions, ball bearings, wirings, sockets, and relationships run well… And if they cry, break, short, crack, and fall near despair, may you find the right hankie, tool, fuse, glue or most excellent repair crew.
For those of you from the wondrous round ball-chasing decades, lack of grease on a left ball bearing has slowed my round ball-chasing. With stem cell researched stymied in recent years, I’m hoping bionic re-implantation, or at least Breach Candy initiated resurfacing, is the answer. Ahhh, if only the body parts would always remain 25.
Wherever you reside on this little dot ü in space
May the New Year bring a lot of Joy to you and yours.
If you recognize the need for implementing the American World Service Corps Congressional Proposals please spread the word, contact some of your Senate reps at