“Good health to you all in the New Year.”

My tenacious sister continues her battle to improve the social welfare system. Thanks to helpful friends like Spencer Smith and his wife and Dr. Budke, she sustains the energy to continue battling.
She needs a paid helper to come by once a week to purchase food, vacuum the rug, general cleanup, address and read letters, etc. If you know somebody, please contact my sister or me.

I’ve had a medically challenging year that includes relocating to Denver. I owe a debt of gratitude to those who have help me, which includes:
Matt and MIA, Curt and Doris, Eddie and Bobbie Sue, Peter and Tracy, Fred and orange cans , Pam, John and Bonnie, Jason, Kali, Melinda, Moby & Karen, Louise, Charley, Lynn, Todd, Gary, Pharmers… and others whom Jack Ryan wants to keep classified, including Santa.