Category Archives: Stuff4Friends

xmas 2021 new year 2022

May you and yours have the gift of good health and spirits. 

During the pandemics of the last two+ years my sister, Marlene, had LITTLE-zero human contact. 

covid Santa

About 4 hours of her mornings are spent putting on her leg, cleaning her commode, and dressing; another 3- 4 hours of her evenings are spent reversing the procedure.  She was going pandemic stir crazy and choose to leave the San Francisco condo where she had been blindly managing on her own.  Thanks to childhood friend Mickey Larosa and former Saint Ignatius community service volunteer Darin Michalski, she found Vista Springs in Independence, Ohio.  (

 I wish I could praise Vista Springs. 

If you are one of her friends, she would love to hear from you between noon and 5:00 PM. 

In 2019 my friend John Walsh convinced me to return to Denver with him to deal with a number of maladies (worn out left shoulder cartilage, rotator cuff tear, numb and cold fingers and toes, trembling right hand, balance problems, Parkinsonian symptoms, etc.)

This move has forced me to learn a new vocabulary that moves around the terms “levodopa and carbidopa,” which our bodies need to produce the dopamine that powers the millions of neurons that synchronically has our movements gel with our thoughts.  Understanding this new vocabulary has forced me to try to understand why the blessings of body, mind, and will that God gave me are not now working.  Phrases I wrestle with for understanding now include:

  • Bradykinesia-frozen movements, a lack of motivation, which has seldom been a problem for those raised and trained like me.
  • Neuroplasticity-the ability of the brain’s neurons to adapt and change.
  • Right hand tremors that throw off one’s balance, confidence, and ability get food to one’s mouth.
  • Low level or cold lasers that strengthen and regenerate damaged body parts, which other nations like Canada, Israel, Russia, etc. are ahead of us on.
  • Non-invasive, portable neurological stimulators (PONS), which can revive and fire up one’s neurons to work properly. 

If you or friends are interested, two excellent award winning books are: The Brain That Changes Itself and The Brain’s Way of Healing (2015) both by Norman Doidge, MD, Psychiatrist.  ( They are great New Year’s gifts.  Over the next year, I am placing a lot of hope in the non-invasive laser, neuronal electrical spikes, etc., covered in these books. These are among the therapies of the future.


“What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future.”

Agnes M. Pahro

Electrocardiographic artifacts CAN DISTORT BASELINE & P WAVES

Electrocardiographic artifacts are defined as electrocardiographic alterations, not related to cardiac electrical activity. As a result of artifacts, the components of the electrocardiogram (ECG) such as the baseline and waves can be distorted. Motion artifacts are due to shaking with rhythmic movement.Sep 20, 2017,to%20shaking%20with%20rhythmic%20movement. TREMOR AND ARTIAL FIB

Tremor induced artifact can be misinterpreted as supraventricular tachyarrhythmias or ventricular arrhythmias if the amplitude is sufficient (13). Several clinical and electrographic characteristics to differentiate tremor induced artifacts from cardiac arrhythmias should be routinely observed. When obtaining an EKG, it is prudent to minimize environmental interference, such as patient movement from speaking, electromagnetic interference from cell phones, and to limit muscle tremor if possible (i.e., hyp…

A 48-hour Holter monitoring in the clinic later confirmed consistent sinus rhythm with no evidence of any arrhythmias Tremor induced artifacts can be mistaken for arrhythmias. Correct and accurate diagnosis is critically important, in order to avoid wrong treatment and unnecessary interventions. Our case illustrates the importance of recognizing artifact related ECG changes to prevent unnecessary treatment and hospital admissions.  ACUPUNCTURE

5. Conclusions

We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the effects of acupuncture in the relief of PD symptoms. We found that acupuncture has significant positive effects in the relief of PD symptoms. Acupuncture can be used for patients with PD in combination with conventional treatment.

Main artifacts in electrocardiography – NCBI – NIH laser afib light afib

Read MD Norman Doidge’s The Brain’s Way of Healing.




Many investigators believe that PBM (PHOTOBIOMODULATION) for brain disorders will become one of the most important medical applications of light therapy in the coming years and decades. Despite the efforts of “Big Pharma”, prescription drugs for psychiatric disorders are not generally regarded very highly (either by the medical profession or by the public), and many of these drugs perform little better than placebos in different trials, and moreover can also have major side-effects [117]. Moreover it is well accepted that with the overall aging of …


Until our 3-2-20 meeting, I did not know Levadopa and Carbadopa cause sleepiness and that I am taking a “moderate-heavy” amount.

Returned about 12:47 to take my noon pills.  Immediately went TO chair and napped for 90 minutes.  Woke with my hand shaking.

Could Levadopa and Carbidopa be causing my sleepiness?  Taking too much of it? 8 PER DAY.

After taking my 8:00 AM pills I often go back to sleep for 60-90 minutes.

Might L and C pills be reduced by one or two a day to see if that helps reduce my sleepiness?


The use of levodopa and other dopaminergic treatments in progressive PD lessens the risks of dyskinesia (ABNORMAL MOVEMENTS… Dyskinesia is most commonly caused by medications, such as long term use of levodopa in Parkinson’s disease and use of antipsychotic medications. ) and motor fluctuation.[5,6] However, the long-term use of levodopa leads to a loss of efficacy and to complications such as motor fluctuation and dyskinesia.[3] These complications are observed in 50% of patients after 5 years of levodopa use for PD and in 80% of patients after 10 years of levodopa use.[7,8]  source?    …

    —  6. Carbidopa/Levodopa Must be Taken on an Empty Stomach

Levodopa is a large neutral amino acid that crosses the blood-brain barrier via a molecular transporter, which selectively binds all amino acids from that class. Obviously, digestion of dietary proteins liberates amino acids into the circulation, and these compete with levodopa for transport across the blood-brain barrier. This transport system is easily saturated, and administration of carbidopa/levodopa with meals substantially reduces efficacy. To ensure that levodopa passage across the blood-brain barrier is not compromised, patients should be advised to take their carbidopa/levodopa doses an hour or more before, and 2 or more hours after eating.


Mayo clinic: What is the best time to take carbidopa levodopa?

Because protein interferes with the absorption of carbidopa-levodopa, take the medication either 30 minutes before or one to two hours after a meal


    —  Levodopa is the main treatment for Parkinson’s disease. However, neurologists might delay prescribing levodopa for different reasons, including concern about the development of levodopa-induced dyskinesias (abnormal, uncontrolled, involuntary movements), which is one of the most common dose-limiting side effects of this treatment approach.

However, almost all patients eventually receive levodopa to control their motor symptoms.

In an earlier clinical trial, called ELLDOPA , 361 patients with early Parkinson’s disease received levodopa or placebo for 40 weeks. Two weeks after that, clinical examination showed that the participants who had received levodopa had a slower disease progression than those on placebo. However, brain imaging studies revealed that levodopa had either accelerated the death of dopaminergic neurons, or it had modified the protein responsible for the transport of dopamine in brain nerve cells.

“Therefore, whether levodopa has an effect on the progression of Parkinson’s disease beyond its immediate benefit with respect to symptoms remains unknown,” scientists wrote.

…. At week 80, there was no significant difference between the early-start and delayed-start group regarding motor and non-motor symptoms, as measured by the UPDRS, indicating that levodopa had no disease-modifying effect.


Parkinson’s Disease & Medications – Cleveland Clinic › health › diseases › 919…

Oct 10, 2014 — While Sinemet is the most effective medicine and has the fewest … control disorders, such as excessive gambling, buying, eating, or sex.

People also ask

Should Sinemet be taken on an empty stomach?

Levodopa enters the brain and is converted to dopamine while carbidopa prevents or lessens many of the side effects of levodopa, such as nausea, vomiting, and occasional heart rhythm disturbances. It is generally recommended that patients take Sinemet on an empty stomach, at least ½ hour before or one hour after meals.Oct 10, 2014


The above sources lists a few of the efficacy reasons why I wish you would rewrite the order for the cARELTON’s pill delivery staff so that Sinemet might do less long-term damage and be more effective over its presumed 4-ish hours of usage.

Your (Doctor’s orders) orders might say:

“If the patient requests one pill rather than two, give him one pill.

 “If the patient has recently finished a meal and requests that you either come back in an hour or leave the pills, do so… leave them or find patient with pills and water in an hour.”

There are many activities (various meal delivery times, scheduled activities, exercise programs, walking, etc.) that conflict with pill delivery and their efficacy.


National Institute Of Health (NIH), Mayo Clinic, Parkinson’s News Today.  Cleveland Clinic.

—-  This therapy is highly efficacious at reducing motor signs initially, but with prolonged use, its efficacy tapers and side-effects develop (e.g., dyskinesias; Bergman and Deuschl, 2002; Jankovic and Poewe, 2012). At these stages, patients are usually recommended for surgery with high frequency deep brain stimulation, most commonly targeting the subthalamic nucleus (Benabid et al., 2009). This surgery aims to correct  … 

Low-level laser or LED (light emitting diode) therapy using red to infrared light (λ = 600–1070 nm), conflated here to the term “near infrared light” (NIr), is an emerging, putative neuroprotective treatment that is showing promise in several pre-clinical models of disease. For example, NIr has been reported beneficial in animal models of retinal disease (Eells et al., 2004; Natoli et al., 20102013; Albarracin et al., 2013; Begum et al.

 no adverse impact on brain tissue structure and function after NIr treatment …


In more serious situations, continued use of Xarelto can lead to the following conditions:

  • Coughing up blood.
  • Numbness in your extremities.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Inability to move legs or feet.
  • Bruising.
  • Headaches and migraines.
  • Wrongful death as a result of uncontrollable side effects.

Read Norman Doidge’s The Brain’s Way of Healing.

Xmas 2020 & new year 2021

Merry Xmas 2020 Happy New Year 2021 

When my Sister and I were helping mom recover from her devastating stroke in the nineties, my mom’s favorite TV show was “Golden Girls.” it was mom who introduced me to the cryptic phrase, “I don’t know why   they call it ‘The Golden Years.’”

My sister has endured more health, vision, and support challenges, which usually wait to pile on until the Golden Years, than anyone I know.  Like her mom, she has faced her vision, diabetic, amputation, and blindness problems with true grit.

I hope I can measure up to mom and Marlene in battling this mysterious disease they call Parkinson’s (PD).

In 2007 my left hip was replaced.  In 2017 it broke and the recission and another artificial left hip was inserted.  It came with chromium, cobalt, and cadmium poisoning.  In that same 2017 year my right shoulder was replaced.  I sat around the house quite a bit.  In 2018 I had a professional, Liz Menkes, from Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) Healthy ( ) do a microwave reading on my house.  Professionals like Menkes say EMF readings should be less than <5.  With my DECT phone plugged in the reading on my deck was 52,000 microwaves per meter.  She said, “Get out immediately.”

My microwave use, microwaving from the cell towers 100 yards from my home and microwaving cars that pass by during commute hours may or may not have contributed to Parkinson’s.  My gut, however, says that our over reliance on excessive microwaving will hang with the gang that said DDT, nicotine, lead in gasoline… was safe and clean.

I was having trouble sleeping and being my energetic self, when longtime friend John Walsh offered to take me to Denver around November 2019 with the hope that the University of Colorado Health (UCHealth) would provide some answers.   Since the 1950s Carbidopa and Levodopa pills that address PD symptoms has been our medical industries primary drug answer for degenerative PD.  

Parkinson’s disease is the 14th leading cause of death in the U.S.  Those with PD include Michael Fox, Mohammed Ali, Alan Alda, Robin Williams, Billy Graham, Charles M. Schulz, Janet Reno…

I do not think 50+ year-old pills revolving around Carbidopa and Levodopa will knock out PD symptoms or PD itself.  Nations like Israel, Russia, and Canada are far ahead in next generation answers such as neuroplasticity, low level light therapy, electro neuronal stimulation, etc.

Some of the area’s that I believe may address future fixes are discussed in these sites that I am exploring and and discussed in the excellent book by Norman Doidge titled The Brain’s Way of Healing.

May you and yours be hale and hearty in 2021 and push medical providers to find better answers for those who are not hale and hearty.

May more of the country learn to ask why, do logical research, and read more truth based writing.

May your vote politically empower those with whom you would trust your kids or grandkids sharing a snowed in cabin for a month…




Dwayne Hunn

359 Jean St, Mill Valley

December 31, 2018


I am a Building Biology Environmental Consultant (BBEC), trained and certified by the International Institute for Building Biology and Ecology (IBE) in the measurement and mitigation of electromagnetic fields (EMFs).  I also completed an advanced certification program from IBE and was certified as an Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS) 2014. 

The Building Biology Institute (IBE) is a non-profit training and education organization that started in Germany after World War II when homes were being built that made people ill, for example, from toxic paints. Building Biology is the holistic study of how the built environment affects human health. There are three main areas of focus:  indoor air quality, healthy building construction and electromagnetic fields.  The Institute was started in the U.S. in 1987.

Dwayne Hunn requested that I assess his 4-bedroom, 2-bath, two-story home.  While this is a single home, it has been divided into two living areas with an inside stairway connecting the two areas.  Dwayne lives in the upstairs half of the house.  He was especially concerned about cellular antennas located at a fire station across the street from his home.  I took measurements on Sunday, December 30, 2018 between 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.  These results may not be repeatable if conditions inside or outside the building change, or for results collected during a different time of day or season.  These measurements should not be relied upon to be representative of conditions at any other time.

An excellent source information on the health effects of RFs/EMFs is the BioInitiative Report.  This is the only fully comprehensive, independent review of all the peer reviewed studies to date.    It was first published in 2007 and included about 2,000 studies.  It was updated in 2012 with 1,800 more studies.  The full report, along with the Summary for the Public, can be found at  The report includes chapters on evidence for effects on reproduction, Alzheimer’s, neonatal, autism, electrical sensitivity, nervous system, brain tumors, other cancers, DNA damage and more.

Symptoms of overexposure or sensitivity to radio frequency (RF) and other EMFs include sleep problems, chronic fatigue, headaches, difficulty concentrating, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), memory problems, heart palpitations, tingling, nausea, joint pain, numbness, depression, irritability, swelling of the face or neck, rashes.  It is estimated that about 30% of the world’s population is moderately sensitive to EMFs and 3% is highly sensitive.  An excellent source of information is a report by Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, MD, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: A Summary.  Electrical hypersensitivity is recognized by the ADA.


  • Extremely high levels of radio frequency from devices inside the house as well as from nearby cellular antennas.
  • Ungrounded outlets in most of the house—this is an equipment safety issue as well as health issue, as this can create high electric fields.


Radio frequency is emitted from wireless sources such as cell phones, cell towers, wireless routers, cordless phones, baby monitors and SmartMeters.  It was classified as a 2B carcinogen (possible human carcinogen) by the World Health Organization in 2011 due to evidence of increased risk for brain tumors.  In addition, the National Toxicology Program released part of its $25,000,000 study of rats that were exposed to wireless (cell phone) radiation.  After only two years of intermittent exposure, one in 12 male rats got either a brain tumor, heart tumor or pre-cancerous lesion.

The California Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) have all issued letters or resolutions calling for a reduction in exposures.  According to the AAEM, “the peer reviewed, scientific literature demonstrates the correlation between EMF/RF exposure and neurological, cardiac and pulmonary disease, as well as reproductive disorders, immune dysfunction, cancer and other health conditions.  The evidence is irrefutable.”  (Quoted from an AAEM document entitled “Wireless Smart Meter Case Studies”, referencing recommendations passed on October 23, 2013.)

Following are the Building Biology guidelines for radio frequency in the sleeping areas:

Power Density in Microwatts No Concern Slight Concern Severe Concern Extreme Concern
Per square meter (uW/m2) <0.1 0.1 – 10 10 -1,000 >1,000

I used the Gigahertz Solutions HFE59B and HFW59D meters to take measurements.  These are two of the company’s top-of-the line RF meters.  Measurements were taken in microwatts per square meter (uW/m2). I took readings initially with all devices in the home on, then with devices off. Following are the readings: 

Radio Frequency (in uW/m2)
Location Readings with wireless devices on Readings with all wireless devices off Comments
Desk in family room 33,000 1,600   Router near desk
Couch in family room 16,700 2,700  
Drafting table in family room 52,000 1,170 Cordless phone on table
Kitchen table 19,000 19,000  
Master bedroom 5,400 5,400    
Spare bedroom 1,140 1,140  
Bathroom 19,500 19,500  
Garage 12,800 12,800  
Tim’s bedroom (downstairs) 5,700 5,700  
Tim’s spare room 7,000 6,800  
Tim’s dining table 2,000 560  
Tim’s kitchen 15,300 14,900  
Exterior deck 42,000  
Dwayne holding cordless phone 50,000 At about 1-foot distance
Dwayne’s cell phone 20,000+   At about 1-foot distance
Microwave 20,000+   In the kitchen, when in use

There were extremely high levels of RF exposure in most rooms of the house.  The main source of RF in the family room was the AT&T modem/router.  Dwayne had been told by AT&T that they had disabled the wireless, but it was still emitting when I did my testing.  The main source of RF in all the other rooms were the cellular antennas at the fire station across the street.

Internet/Computer Area

With AT&T U-verse, it is difficult to turn the wi-fi on and off.  In order to more easily control the wi-fi, a separate modem and router is needed.  AT&T U-verse only works with their all-in-one modem. I recommend that you either use AT&T U-verse with the wi-fi always off (and verify that it is truly off), or that you change to another provider so that you can more easily control the wi-fi.  Comcast and Wave are two providers that allow a separate modem and router.  There may be other providers in your area—you would need to investigate if he could use a separate modem and router with their service. 

If you decide to change services, here are the steps for Comcast, as an example:

Step 1.  Order the following:

  • Arris TM822R or Arris TM822G modem.  I found the TM822R on-line at Best Buy.
  • Any Netgear router except their All-in-one modem router.  You could call Best Buy or some other store and ask for one that is lower powered.  But the idea is to leave the wi-fi off, so any Netgear router should be fine.  It should have an easy on-off button for wi-fi. 

Step 2.  Call Comcast and have them come out to set up the new equipment.  Now you can have internet connectivity without the wi-fi on. (Note: Return the AT&T modem/router, as you are being charged for it each month.)

You also need to move the printer closer to the computer so it can be hard wired.  Be sure to turn off the wireless in the printer settings.  With the printer hard wired, you should not need to use any wi-fi.

Replace wireless mouse with wired mouse.  Replace cordless keyboard with corded keyboard.  Once these are plugged in, turn off the Bluetooth on your computer, as well as laptop, if applicable.  Also make sure that the wi-fi is turned off your computer and laptop.

Verify that all the wireless on the devices is off.  I recommend the Safe and Sound detector ($149) available from Safe Living Technologies ( 

Cordless Phone

I recommend that you replace the cordless phone.  The AT&T CL4940 has answering machine, caller ID and speaker phone.  You can get it on line.  If you want to be able to walk around with the phone, then I recommend you get a corded “clamshell” phone, such as AT&T 210 Trimline to use as extensions around the house.  This phone has no power cord, so you only need a long phone cord to walk around with the phone.

AT&T CL4940 (Amazon)               AT&T 210 Trimline corded phone (Amazon)

Cellular Antennas

To shield the house from the cellular antennas, you could consider painting the side of the house facing the fire station with Y-shield paint, as well as covering the windows with either curtains made of shielding fabric or with special shielding window film.  However, painting this house could be quite a challenge. The sides of the house are covered with wooden shingles. There is a small gap between each shingle, and the paint would need to fill in this gap.  Also, the edges of every shingle would need to be painted.  At best, with a standard flat surface, you might get 80 – 90% reduction in RF.  That is because there are always small nooks and crannies that the RF can get through.  Given the shingles on the side of the house, the result would likely be less than this.  I recommend that you consult with Stephen Scott ( to get his opinion on the viability of shielding.  He is an electrician in Novato who is expert at applying this type of paint.   This paint should also be grounded.  Note:  the roof may also need to be shielded.  The heavy-duty foil sold by provides an excellent shield.  Stephen Scott could also advise on shielding the roof.

It is possible that you might still need a bed canopy, even after shielding the house.  You may not get the levels low enough in the sleeping area.  You would need to remeasure after the exterior shielding has been completed.  Another option for the bedroom is to paint it with Y-shield paint.  This is discussed further in the report, under Electric Fields.

Other Notes

Turn off Bluetooth in car.  Verify with meter that it is off.

Microwave leaks when in use.  Stand outside of the kitchen when using.

The cell tower RF was so strong that I could not tell if the SmartMeter was an issue.  However, it is so close to the bedrooms that I recommend opting out as a precaution. 


AC magnetic fields (60 Hz) were classified as a 2B carcinogen (possible human carcinogen) in 2001 by the World Health Organization due to evidence of increased risk for childhood leukemia. An excellent source of information about reported health effects is 

There are four main sources of AC magnetic fields:

  • Point sources.  These are the electrical devices within a home or office.  They only give off a magnetic field when they are turned on.  We generally are not concerned about these sources, since the magnetic field strength drops off very quickly, usually down to ambient levels within a foot or so of the device.
  • Long distance power transmission lines.  High tension power lines may give off high levels of magnetic and electric fields.  Also, local power distribution lines can give off high levels of magnetic and electric fields.  Magnetic fields from power lines vary depending upon the load on the system.  They are higher in the late afternoon and early evening as people return home from work and turn on lights and appliances.  They are also typically higher in the summertime when people use their air conditioning.   
  • Wiring errors.  For example, neutral wires from two or more circuits that are joined together in a junction box can cause elevated magnetic fields. 
  • Stray current.  If a neighbor’s home has wiring errors, then stray current can enter your home via the water pipes, cable or telephone lines.

While there is no exposure threshold in the U.S. for residential 60 Hz magnetic fields, a number of credible sources have provided suggested thresholds for maximum exposures over the last several years. The EPA in various publications has recommended 60 Hz exposure thresholds from 0.5 mG to 2.5 mG.  In 1992, the Swedish government established 2.0 mG as a standard for computer emissions at a distance from the front of the monitor. In 1989, a National Council on Radiation Protection Report draft suggested 2.0 mG, which was later withdrawn. Dr. Robert Becker, author of The Body Electric and Cross Currents recommended 1.0 mG as an exposure threshold.  The Building Biology Institute recommends less than 1.0 mG for the sleeping areas (slight concern range).

I took magnetic field readings with a Gigahertz Solutions NFA1000 EMF meter.  Readings were as follows:

Magnetic Fields (in milligauss)
Location Reading
Desk in family room .19
Couch in family room .20
Kitchen table .44
Kitchen (at stove) .87
Kitchen (at sink) .75
Master bedroom .37
Bathroom .27
Spare bedroom .20

These levels are all less than 1 mG, which is the Building Biology slight concern range. There are some slightly elevated levels in the kitchen.  This from the refrigerator.  It is normal for refrigerator motors to produce magnetic fields. 

I found no evidence of wiring errors in the home.


AC electric fields are extremely low frequency (ELF) 60 hertz fields (60 wave cycles per second).  These fields come primarily from wiring in the walls and cords that are plugged in.  The cords and wiring always give off an electric field, even if the devices are turned off, as long as the power for the circuit is turned on.  Homes built with Romex (plastic jacketed) wiring, which is most homes, generally have higher than recommended levels of electric fields.  The electric fields emanate out about six feet from the walls and from cords that are plugged in. 

Electric fields have been linked to sleep disruption, impact on immune system, heartbeat, calcium metabolism in cells, muscle and nerve pain, change of enzyme activity in cells, change in cell division and DNA synthesis.  The University of Toronto performed a study of Ontario Hydro workers (American Journal of Epidemiology, 7/10/1996) which showed that electric fields were far more important in the development of cancer in electrical workers than were magnetic fields.  Exposure to both fields increased the risk for cancer.  

Following are the Building Biology guidelines for the sleeping areas:

AC Electric fields No Concern Slight Concern Severe Concern Extreme Concern
In volts per meter <0.3 0.3 – 1.5 1.5 – 10 >10

We like to see less than 1.5 V/m for a healthy person and less than .3 V/m for a sensitive person.  I typically find about 4 – 8 V/m in the sleeping areas of most homes.  Levels at the bed were as follows:

AC Electric Fields (in Volts per Meter)
Location Reading Concern Range Comments
Upper left side 9.7 Severe  
Upper right 9.6 Severe  
Lower left 5.3 Severe  
Lower right 4.9 Severe  

We identified circuits affecting the master bedroom:

Breaker # Electric Field Strength (in V/m)
7A 4.9
7B 8.2
8A 8.7
9B 4.5
10A 3.1
10B 3.3
11A 2.7
13 1.7
14 6.2

It appears that many circuits are running near this bedroom.  There are too many circuits to reasonably turn off at night, especially since a number of the circuits are for the lower living space where another person lives.  The best solution would be to completely paint the room, including floor and ceiling, with Y-shield paint.  That would block electric fields as well as radio frequency from the cellular antennas.  The paint must be properly grounded in order to reduce the electric fields.  You would also need to shield the windows (to block RF) in order to create a completely shielded room.  You could use shielding fabric for curtains or use special window film (available from

Most of the outlets in this house are ungrounded.  Any outlets used for three-pronged power cords should be grounded, especially near the computer area.  This is an equipment safety issue as well as a health issue.  If a computer or laptop is plugged into an ungrounded outlet, the keyboard that you touch can have very high electric fields. 

Most of the outlets in the kitchen were grounded.  However, the power strip near the refrigerator was not.  The outlet for the refrigerator should be checked to make sure it is properly grounded.


I measured “dirty electricity” (electromagnetic interference) in the house.  Every home has dirty electricity to some degree.  It is created by alternating current and comes from electronics in the home, such as TVs and computers.  Dirty electricity travels along the wiring in the walls and emanates into the rooms.  Some people are very sensitive to it.  Certain electronics, such as compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), dimmer switches, pool pumps, other large motors and solar inverters produce high levels of dirty electricity.  This can come from the electronics in your own home, as well as from your neighbors’ homes, as you are all on the same grid.

Note:  All CFLs and LEDs produce dirty electricity; some LEDs are worse than CFLs.  The only lights that produce no dirty electricity are incandescents and incandescent halogens (full voltage halogens).

I measured the dirty electricity with a Greenwave Broadband EMI meter. There are less peer-reviewed studies on dirty electricity than on radio frequency, AC magnetic and AC electric fields.  For this reason, Building Biology does not yet have established guidelines.  The manufacturer of Greewave filters recommends less than 75 mV.  From what I have seen, most homes typically measure about 300 – 500 mV.  I generally recommend remediation when I see levels approaching 700-800 mV.   

Following are the readings in the home:

Location Reading (in millivolts) 
Family room 190
Kitchen table 350
Kitchen 349
Bathroom 740
Master bedroom 220

These levels are typical or lower than what I find in most homes.  The solar installation does not appear to be creating any significant dirty electricity.  I don’t recommend any action at this time for dirty electricity.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about anything in the report.


Liz Menkes, BBEC, EMRS

Certified Building Biologist

Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist

EMF Healthy



“Good health to you all in the New Year.”

Are you helping Santa?

My tenacious sister continues her battle to improve the social welfare system.  Thanks to helpful friends like Spencer Smith and his wife and Dr. Budke, she sustains the energy to continue battling. 

She needs a paid helper to come by once a week to purchase food, vacuum the rug, general cleanup, address and read letters, etc.  If you know somebody, please contact my sister or me.

No gift for you…

I’ve had a medically challenging year that includes relocating to Denver.  I owe a debt of gratitude to those who have help me, which includes:

Matt and MIA, Curt and Doris, Eddie and Bobbie Sue, Peter and Tracy, Fred and orange cans , Pam, John and Bonnie, Jason, Kali, Melinda, Moby & Karen, Louise, Charley, Lynn, Todd, Gary, Pharmers… and others whom Jack Ryan wants to keep classified, including Santa.


Xmas 2018

Belated Merry Christmas 2018 and Happy New Year 2019.

Not enuff dopamine… or too many dopes hurting the brain.

My sister continues to rank as the San Francisco’s Library’s #1 reader of audio books.

Super Spencer Solar Guy and his much better-looking counterpart, Nancy Apple Gal, bring laughs to Marlene’s face with the time they share with her.

This traditionally solid turd dog has developed a case of the unbalancing shakes, often referred to as Parkinsonian symptoms.  While stumbling a bit outside of the medical box, I have been searching for the causes of the symptoms rather than merely masking them with drugs.  Consequently, I am getting an education and new vocabulary touching on such subjects as: Nutritional healing, dopamine, Carbidopa and Levodopa, homeopathy, acupuncture, kinesiology, exercise therapy, herbals, CBD, neurology, immunology, the electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), etc. 

Recently, my cell tower/DECT phone/Wi-Fi/smart meter emf radiation has been up to 52 times the Extreme Level of 1,000 micro watts per square meter, or 52,000 versus the extreme level of 1,000. 

“Mama, don’t let your babies…”

So, I’ve been remembering that song that mama used to sing to me, “Don’t let your babies grow up to…  have fried brains.”

Lead, nicotine, fission power — safe for you…

The recent attack on my solidarity has taken a toll on my wood-butchering, yard work, pulling weeds, etc.…  It has also taken a toll on my efforts to build a robust American World National Service Corps that would help make America and the world strive to be better for people and the climate…  again.

If you can help spread the word, here are some links that propagandized the idea that America should be sending peaceful developmental armies rather than dreadful drones into action.  America should get the world’s nations to peacefully compete via sending missions rather than missiles.

Let’s compete in doing good rather than in doing bombast.  It is the spirit of Christmas and of New Year’s resolutions, isn’t it?

Make a resolution that helps. 

Good health to you and yours.



Friends and…   





May you and yours have good health, spirits, and memories.







Spencer “The Solar Guy” and Nancy “The Apple Biter” Smith are no ordinary Smith and Jones.  They help sister Marlene with her computer, social life, and laughs, even as laughable subjects become more difficult to find in her world.

Three days a week Marlene is supposed to get social security handicap assistants for about five plus hours a day.  In recent months, she has had a dependable aide for a total of about 5 hours for the full month, not near 66.

If this kind of assistance to those in need is about to become engrained in a grinchable public and budgetary policy, then more than just sent Santa ought to wince and drop some heavy coal pieces on some rich scrooges’ heads.  Especially at Christmas time I think of the other side of the Scrooge coin, those Cleveland and San Francisco Saint Ignatius students, who as part of their community service spent special times with mom and Marlene.

For the past 18 months, the Big Medic in the sky has been teaching me what happens when you wear down finely calibrated parts that you have long used for running, jumping, pounding, etc.

In 2007 my left hippy side had a Birmingham resurfaced hip implanted.  In 2017 it broke and in April had to be removed and replaced.  Six months later, in September, my cartilage lacking right shoulder and torn rotator cuff was replaced.  As the president would say, “Believe me…” there are many more enjoyable things to sleep with rather than a “sling.”  While this was happening, I started developing a tremor in my right hand, which may have had something to do with my blood test showing chromium and cobalt ions, from my broken first implant, leaching into my bloodstream at about 18 and 13 times normal.

Since I live in that far-out or ahead-of-the- curve state (depending on whether you vision is near or far-sighted) blessed with earthquakes and moonbeams, I have tried cures that involve using my stem cells as well as hands-on and crunching chiropractors, young and wizened-with-years acupuncturists, and have a bottle of California legal liquid marijuana waiting to be tried.

But enough Christmas commenting on aging and anatomies, instead how about reminiscing about smiling, handsome, magically muscled orphans who seldom complained about anything and about whom I often think during the Xmas season.

And how about predicting whether those UFOs, which even CBS is giving news time, will be dusting or gracing us with a military or a peace corps…  And what if they bring a different religious story to boot?  What a hootin bootcamp that’ll be!

And thanks to Claremont Graduate University for recently having me return to campus to speak in Ambassador Sallama Shaker’s class on “Camelot: JFK, humanity, empathy and the Peace Corps.”  A good Christmas title for gifts sorely missed.

And thanks to the Rubelian Pharmers for caboosing me at the National Monument called Rubelia, which Every Town Needs.

For the New Year may you ponder the teeter- tottering words of two influential persons…

“The great masses of people … will more easily fall victim to a big lie then to a little one.”

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 1925

“If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.”

Mark Twain





Where Jesus would spend… 

Xmas 2016

HO, HO, HO… my dear friend!

Are you helping Santa?

Merry Christmas and may many more good elves ring in a triumphant New Year 2017 for you and yours.

My sister continues building the Northern California record for audio books checked out from the library.  When not listening to those, talk shows, or University of San Francisco lectures, she pushes to improve the training of the company that supplies her 2+/- day a week assistants.  Marlene also trains her disability assistants on the importance of attending their union meetings, which recently helped improved their wages to $13/hours on the way to $15 over the ensuing year or so.

Solar sales angel Spencer Smith and his Apple-baited wife Nancy continue taking Marlene to fund raising dinner functions of the do-good agencies they support.

Resting enuff, Santa?

Many years ago, my Kaiser Primary Care Doctor said something  like, “Tell me if I’m correct, you are planning on running as hard as you can for as long as you can till everything wears out, right?”

I laughed, and didn’t put much thought into the last part of his sentence.  I am paying more attention to sentence endings now, and may even now be serving some kind of sentence, which my mom warned me about as she kept imploring “Rest more… Take it easy… Take a nap…”  

(If you are lucky enough to have a wonderful mother, pay attention .to even her offhanded remarks.  Somehow, even those are prescient.)

Instead of having my worn shoulder and torn rotator cuff repaired with stitches, I decided abouta year back to go out on my right limb by using my buttock’s bone marrow and stem cells to try to repair my former sling-shooting right shoulder.  But…  Due to a variety of reasons, which may include my jocular induced Ignatian (“Get up and run it off, Hunn, you rainbow chaser…”) approach to health and healing, my shoulder is still defined in largely Latin and Greek derivatives in November of 2016 by some in the medical world as:

“There is superimposed interstitial signal within the conjoined fibers of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendon measuring 1.1 cm transverse by 1.0 cm AP suggesting greater than 50% partial thickness tear. Previously seen signal involving the distal anterior fibers of the supraspinatus tendon appears less discrete. Thickening of the subscapularis tendon compatible with tendinosis. There is interstitial tear with mild medial subluxation of the proximal fibers of the long head of biceps tendon. Teres minor tendon…”

Even Saint Ignatius High’s boot camp Latin training conducted by my favorite SI Drill Sergeant, Mr. Leonard, failed to make my aging amyloid-free, I hope, brain easily “comprendo” what is going on in the above stew of words… But, it ain’t that good, and that’s without mentioning this clean hippie’s hip.

Where’s that Elysium cure-it-all machine when you need it?

Feel free to translate into grade school English, with which I still have trouble, so I’ll know how to start slinging stuff again.

Statistically, it is likely that a little less than half of you who voted, voted for Donald Trump and that mesmerizing beauty that stalks him on the elevator.  Since President-elect Trump likes to tweet, here’s a lovely tweety-bird like Christmas gift that won’t cost you anything and will save bloodshed, expensive military dollars, and heartbreak year-round.

During Christmas and through the New Year, why not tweet 140 characters to some of President-elect’s twitter sites or those related, such as:

#Trump, #realDonaldTrump, #Russians, #trumptrain, #uniteforAmerica, #trumpwatch

Ask him and those twitter followers to use their connections with Putin to build a program that People’s Lobby influenced Congresswoman Boxer to introduce as HR 1807 in 1989.

Here are some possible 140 characterish tweets to copy, paste, adjust, and tweet to the above and other addresses of your choosing:

Nixon opens China. Trump melts Russia via  & benefits nation & world via

Serve in space why not on earth? Bring back

Open the U.S.  To National Service & Russia to Peace Corpsing with us

Why not shift military competition to the field of peaceful development & #climate care?

Tweet Trump.  Santa’s serious, tweet him.  Urge Trump to open Russia to peacedful service.  Tweet your congresspersons.  Tweet the media.  This Special Season, start helping the elves and St. Nick by helping build a band of do-gooders worldwide and turning out more reformed Scrooges and inspired Popeyes.  Thanks to George Ripley’s ‘Believe It or Not’ hospitality (captured my AirBaha), I spent a September week in DC with 22 Congressional staffs pushing  People’s Lobby’s robust  American World Service Corps National Service Congressional Proposal and urging them to reintroduce its US-Russian Peace Corps Proposal .

Daughter cries & survives.

With the world awash with homeless children, wars, refugees, collapsing glaciers, etc., isn’t it the right season to move the world’s two superpowers toward peaceful service and greatness?

Tired Syrian kids hoping bombs don’t fly.

Signing this reopened AWSCNS petition would also make Santa smile…

To help in other ways, click here:

Merry Christmas and may a Happy & Healthy New Year be with you.

Dwayne Hunn

Santa smiles at the triumphal thought of seeing a US-Russian Peace Corps reintroduced and gifted to the world.